Annual Shelter Statistics

Annual Shelter Statistics

We report our monthly intake and outcome data on Shelter Animals Count, an online resource for self-reported statistics from over 13,000 shelters and rescues across the country. You can visit their site here.

 Dogs and PuppiesCats and KittensLittle CrittersTotal
Beginning Animal Count (1/1/2024)140715216
Relinquished/Return by Owner22655597878
Owner Requested Euthanasia5106
Transferred In6762959980
TOTAL INTAKE9201,1191132,152
Return to Owner810018
Transferred to Another Agency83011
Subtotal: Live Outcomes91510191112,045
Shelter Euthanasia3359092
Owner Requested Euthanasia5106
Subtotal: Other Outcomes72882162
TOTAL OUTCOMES9871,1071132,207
Ending Animal Count (12/31/2023)73725157
Live Release RateLive Outcomes/(Total Outcomes-Owner Requested Euthanasia)2024 LRR = 93%


Stray Found loose in the community
Relinquished/Return by Owner Given up by their owner or returned adoption
Owner Requested Euthanasia Euthanasia requests for medical or behavioral reasons
Transferred In Transferred from a partner animal shelter or rescue
Adoption Adopted from Tails Humane Society
Returned to Owner Animals returned to their owner
Transferred to Another Agency Transferred to a partner animal shelter or rescue
Died Animals who passed away
Shelter Euthanasia Animals euthanized due to behavior or medical issues