

Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Clinic

Every year, millions of cats and dogs are euthanized in the United States due to the tragedy of pet overpopulation. We also know that the best way to fight overpopulation is through the spay/neutering of all owned animals. That’s why we operate a low-cost spay/neuter program available to all pet owners regardless of income or residency. Call today for your pet’s appointment – (815) 758-2457 ext. 114.

Training Classes

Is Fido pulling on the leash? Is Sparky a little too spunky? If your dog or puppy is sometimes a bit difficult, Tails obedience classes can help. We offer positive reinforcement training for dogs of all ages and levels. Call us – we’ll help you communicate with your canine companion.

Lost & Found Pets

Have your lost or found a pet? Click the link below for help.

Surrendering A Pet

Long ago, Tails made the philosophical decision to limit our admission based on available space and overall resources, rather than accepting all animals as they come to us. The limited admission philosophy allows us to focus on the individual needs of the animals in our care. Therefore, we can’t accept all the animals who need our help and must instead, prioritize our care. Please contact us to discuss relinquishing your animal to Tails.