Cat Relinquishment

Cat Relinquishment Request Form

    Your Name*




    Zip Code*

    Your Email*

    Your Phone*

    Cats age*

    May be approximate (kitten, young adult, adult, older adult, etc.)

    Was the cat adopted from Tails?*

    Was the cat adopted from another shelter?*

    If yes, please know that most adoption contracts require that the adopted animal be brought back to the shelter from which the animal was adopted. Please attempt to return the cat to the adoptive organization before relinquishing to Tails.

    Is the cat spayed or neutered?*

    Is the cat a male or female?*

    Does the cat use the litterbox?*

    Does this cat have any medical concerns?*

    If yes, please explain in the comment area below.

    Does this cat have any behavioral issues?*

    If yes, please explain in the comment area below.

    Why do you need the cat to come to Tails?*

    Please explain in the comment area below.

    Other comments

    We receive far more requests for assistance than we have the resources to accommodate. We will however, always accept cats who were adopted from Tails. We will also try to immediately accept very young kittens and sick and injured cats. If you need to return an adopted cat or have a sick or injured cat or very young kitten(s), please leave a voicemail at 815-758-2457 x 102.

    If you need to relinquish a cat not adopted from Tails, please fill out the cat relinquishment form below. If you adopted the cat from another shelter, we recommend that you contact that shelter prior to contacting Tails.